zaterdag 5 juli 2008

You always dress in yellow
When you wanna dress in gold
Instead of listening to your heart
You do just what you're told

Is it love that I feel for you
Tell me, what am I supposed to do
Can't you see what it does to me
Love is killing me
All I want is the wind in my hair
To face the fear, but not feel scared

Some people say that you don't know what you have until you lose it,
but it's not like that. I always knew what I had; I just never thought I would lose it.

I don't want to "fit in". I want to stand out. I want the world to know I was here, that I made a difference.

Never say goodbye. Because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. - Peter Pan.

You know that silence is loud when all you hear is your heart.

Behind every untrusting girl, is a guy that made her that way.

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