zaterdag 28 juni 2008

What a mistake

Aanwezig in afwezigheid, en daarom nooit verleden tijd...

Do you want the real story, or do you prefer the lie?

Life is short, you have to perform all the miracles you can...

Hold fast to dreams..
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly ..

Je kunt de golven niet tegenhouden, maar je kunt wel leren surfen.

Voor de wereld ben je iemand..
Maar voor iemand ben je de wereld..

I don't mind what people say, I just turn my head and walk away...

If you love something let it go...If it comes back , it's yours...If it doesn't, It never was...

Never regret something that once made you smile... <3

Perfect love has no fear!

Als je denkt "ik ben verslagen", dan is de nederlaag een feit,
Als je denkt "ik zal niet versagen", win je op den duur de strijd.
Moedelozen gaan ten onder, door hun twijfel, door hun vrees,
Vechters winnen door een wonder, telkens weer de zwaarste race.

Er zijn zodanig veel manieren om de waarheid te zeggen,
dat het bijna altijd overbodig is te liegen.

Kortzichtigheid is de meest verspreide oogziekte..

It's like 10 000 spoons when all you need is a knife,
It's meeting the man of my dreams and than meet his beautiful wife...

Succes is een taart waarvan iedereen mee wil eten. Maar als ie op is zie je niemand meer....

People are like pieces of a puzzle, : we all fit together but not all of us connect.

See, I'd like to give you my heart, but broken things are never pretty..

You repeat those three words, yet you still dont know the meaning .

My heart can't possibly break ,
When it wasn't even whole to start with..

People don't change because they see the light. They change because they feel the heart..

Why don't you remember how it feels, not to give a damn for anyone, but me...

And I'm stuck in a moment that wasn't meant to last.

Als het leven geen zin heeft, hoef je er ook geen punt achter te zetten.

It's killing me,
What has she got that I don't have?
Is it the way she looks at you? Laughs at you?
Can she, does she make you beg for more?
This is hurting...
What does she got that I don't have...

It's amazing how one day someone walks into your life,
Then the next day you wonder how you lived without them..

He loved her like there was no tomorrow..

Geluk is een gevolg van je eigen daden!

Am I less of a lady if I don't wear pantyhose?
My mama said a lady ain't what she wears but what she knows!

I've got a whole lot of reasons, but i can't think of a single one that will justify leaving.

If you would only listen, you might just realize what you're missing

Are you so strong, or is the weakness in me?

She says "don't worry, I'll be fine", as she fights back the tears, one last time..

Say what you have to say
Happy you've got your way
There's nothing to discuss
Can I go now?

If I was a mistake, I hope I was your favourite one..

If you ever said you miss me, then don't say you never lied..

Carve happy faces into my wrist ‘cause the world loves smiles..

The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd
The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been...!

People make mistakes, to make up, to break up, to wake up cold and lonely…

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.

Geluk is als een vlinder die, als je het nastreeft, altijd buiten je bereik blijft.
Maar die, als je heel stil blijft zitten, misschien op je neerstrijkt...

Als tranen enkel kwamen van verdriet, ontbrak er wat aan geluk.

Zelfs een witte roos heeft een zwarte schaduw..

Trust takes years to build and only seconds to shatter..

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams..

The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed..

When problems overwhelm us and sadness smothers us,
where do we find the will and the courage to continue?

I had these dreams, in them I learned to play guitar
Maybe cross the country, become a rockstar

Un jour Amour rencontre Amitié,
Et lui demande :"A quoi sert tu ?"
Amitié repond : "A faire sécher les larmes que tu fais tomber.."

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again.. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!

Uit je pijnlijkste dieptepunten groeien uiteindelijk je grootste krachten..

If I wanted silence, I would whisper
And if I wanted lonelyless, I choose to go
And if I liked rejection, I'd audition
And if I didn't love you, you would know

Nothing is more painful than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him.

Life is a battle, but we love to fight;

Piekeren neemt de zorgen voor morgen niet weg, maar wel de kracht van vandaag..

Kill the narcissist with his reflection..

Now I know that there's a line between the two, being close to crazyness and being close to you..

'Cause you're everywhere to me, and when I close my eyes it's you I see..

Kisses tell if you love someone truely.. Cause when you do, they feel great!

I wanna be your fantasy, your reality, and everything in between..

Good bye

Don't wait for the one you can live with..
Wait for the one you can't live without..!

We're breaking things we can't repair and none of us will take the blame..

Somethings are better left unsaid..

I cannot cry because I know that's weakness in your eyes.
I'm forced to fake a smile, a laugh, everyday of my life.

Because of you
I find it hard to trust, not only me but everyone around me.

Call me irresponsible
Call me unreliable
Throw in undependable, too
Do my foolish alibis bore you?
Well, I'm not too clever, I
I just adore you

Gevoelens heb je niet voor het kiezen, ik was heus niet van plan mezelf in je te verliezen ..

A million tears can't bring you back . I know because I tried...

I never stopped loving you, I just stopped showing it...

En vergeef me voor alle foute woorden die ik stuurde uit onmacht,
om niet kwijt te raken, wat ik zo hopeloos lief had...

I miss you. not enough to want you back, just enough for it to hurt..!

I never knew until that moment, what it was like to lose something I never really had.

Maybe the reason we hate each other is because we can't face the fact that we're still in love..

Sometimes you have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears, and say good-bye..

vrijdag 27 juni 2008

This is the morning after the night before

So take a bow,
'cause you've taken everything else
You played the part, like a star you played it so well
Take a bow, 'cause the scene is coming to an end
I gave you love,boy, all you gave me was pretend..

Its the way he makes me laugh when I don’t even want to smile..

The spaces between your fingers, are meant to be filled with mine..

You & I

Treur niet om iemand uit het verleden,
Er is altijd een reden waarom hij de toekomst niet heeft gehaald..

Just because we made a few mistakes, doesn't mean we've got to give it all up.

Als je het doet, doe het dan goed.

Oh yeah, I miss him. Or no, I don't miss him. I miss, who he should be, but who he never was. I miss who I thought he was. I don't miss him..

You know, you pray, this can't be the way.. You cry, you say; Something's gotta change..!

When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life you can find a thousand reasons to smile!

And don't just say you can't right away, just give it a try..

A dream is a wish your heart makes..

No matter what they say
I'm gonna rock anyway.

Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game..

Try to follow your heart, and you'll lose your mind.
Try to use your mind, and you'll break your heart...

There is never a right way to do the wrong thing.

So, this is goodbye then?

And you're singing songs, thinking this is the life..
& You wake up in the morning and your head feels twice the size
Where you gonna go, where you gonna go..?
Where you gonna sleep tonight?

And I'm not jealous, no I'm not
I just want everything she's got
You look at her so amazed
I remember way back when you used to look at me that way
Tell me what makes her so much better than me..
What makes her just everything that I can never be
What makes her your every dream and fantasy
Because I can't remember when it was me..

I'm not the type to get my heart broken
I'm not the type to get upset and cry
'Cos I never leave my heart open
Never hurts me to say goodbye
Relationships don’t get deep to me
Never got the whole in love thing
And someone can say they loved me truly
But at the time it didnt mean a thing..

Putting on my sunglasses
hoping they won't see
I'm crying

Tears rolling
down my face
feeling the pain

Tears falling
on the floor
whispering; 'It's enough'

Hail this modern world..

Crazy way to get your kicks
Shoot the silicone in your lips
If your figure makes you sad
Suck the fat right of your back
Make up your mind about your tits, girls
You can puff them up so no bra will fit girls
There's only one thing they can't fix
No I won't let you be misled
That's the hole in your head
Can do nothing 'bout that

The more you think about sex boy
With someone else, the better it gets boys
You have a purpose in your life
Besides cheating on the wife
For fuck sakes show some sense

These days adoption is a hot thing
You can get a child for nearly nothing
You take 'em home to a nanny
Buy off your guilt with toys and candy
But all the money that you work for girls
Can't compare it to love boys

Love me

It's kind of like he's one of those songs that goes around and around in your head,
& you just can't get it out..

Welcome at the shop, do you want a boy to watch sport events, or do you want something that loves you..?

Because when you got no one to love, you got nothing to lose... <3

A woman only needs two animals in her life, the horse of her dreams and a donkey to buy her that horse.

Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships..!

You're a no good heart breaker
You're a liar and you're a cheat
And I don't know why
I let you do these things to me
My friends keep telling me
That you ain't no good
But oh, but they don't know
That I'd leave you if I could

I'm not hear to break it, just to see how far it will bend..

Vergeef me alle foute woorden die ik stuurde uit onmacht, om niet kwijt te raken,
Wat ik zo hopeloos lief had..

I know that things aren't the same. That doesn't mean that I don't wish they were...

Did you ever push away the ones you should've held close? I did.....

I didn't say it was your fault I said I was blaming it on you..

That blanket wrapped around you, I wish that was me! <3

Mijn hart fluistert zinnen die mijn hoofd niet horen wil.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain..

If you love me, won't you let me know?

woensdag 25 juni 2008

Never forget

Om te krijgen wat je nooit had, moet je doen wat je nooit hebt gedaan.

Kies niet met je hoofd, maar met je hart.
Je verstand is er om je keuzes te begrijpen,niet om ze te maken.....

The best kind of kiss is the unexpected, unplanned ones.
The ones that just come naturally, like in the middle of a sentence.

I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive.
Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note - torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.

There is nothing worse in the world than thinking you have a chance when you really don't.

Sometimes you have to ignore the risks, forget the heartbreak, and just go for it.

Someday, your prince charming will come. Mine, just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.

Find someone who can make you feel completely comfortable and 'first-date' nervous at the same time. That's love.

It's kind of like he's one of those songs that goes around and around in your head,
And you just can't get it out

You could do a million things right;; but you'll forever be remembered for that one single mistake..

There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you.

He placed his head against her heart, and whispered: "This is my new favourite song.."

I'm just a girl... standing in front of a boy.. Asking him to love her..

Would you take my hand? And lead the way?

Every time she laughs, she hopes he’s watching. Not so he’ll see she’s happy, but so maybe, just maybe, he will fall for her smile, just as hard as she fell for his.

He watched her take off her makeup and wondered why she ever put it on.

"Jij ziet dingen die er niet zijn," zei hij. "Er zijn dingen die jij niet ziet," antwoordde ik.

You probably won't remember, half the things that I'll never forget

You know how it is when you don't want to miss him, but you want him to miss you.

Niets ergert een vrouw zozeer als een man die zwijgt als zij hem de kans biedt iets te zeggen.

She likes you, more than you could imagine, but you don't see that, do you?

I chose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection.

Eventually one of two things will happen: He'll realize you're worth it or you'll realize he isn't...

I want to be the girl that calls him and says "are you busy" and no matter what he's doing he drops everything and says "never too busy for you"..

Er zijn geen tranen meer
er is teveel gebeurd.
De pijn is als een wond
die telkens open scheurt.

Er zijn geen tranen meer
er is teveel gezegd
er is zoveel geleden
dit is mijn leven, dit is echt.

Waar is het geluk
waar is mijn eigen ik
er zijn geen tranen meer
ik denk dat ik stik.

To fall is not the same as to fail. You only fail when you don’t try to get back up.

Ik sluit m'n ogen denk aan hoe het begon,
ik lees mijn gedachten en weet weer waarom.

Voordat ik een traan langs je wangen zie gaan
moet er een weg uit dit alles bestaan.

Maar de foto's vertellen je wel ; de tijd gaat te snel.

Ik had het nooit verwacht
Na al die stille jaren
Een gevoel dat ik tot nu toe nog niet ken
Waar ik kijk, zie ik je ogen
Ik hoor overal je stem
Ik denk dat ik verloren ben

En je hoofd vol zorgen
Houdt je lichaam in z'n macht
Er komt altijd een morgen
Ook na de langste nacht

Leugens zijn zo prachtig
Zo stil en raadselachtig
Zolang ze nog zichzelf zijn
Zolang je ze gelooft
Laat ze rusten in je hoofd
Want de waarheid doet pas pijn...

Even though I really loved you, I'm going to smile because I deserve to!!

Let's play truth or dare.. Or, just dare, because nobody ever tells the truth anymore..

And mend this porcelain heart of mine..


They can take tomorrow and the plans we made
They can take the music that we never play
All the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday
They can take the future that we'll never know
They can take the places that we said we will go
All the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away, but they can never have yesterday

It's weird to remind that I thought we were meant to be cause I can't imagine it anymore,
not at all...

Never say you're happy if your eyes still cry

They say that if you love someone you should let them go,
But they never say what to do when they don't come back...

Everyone says love hurts. Well actually love doesn't hurt.
Love didn't leave you for some other girl. It didn't cheat on you, nor did it break your heart.
So stop blaming love for once
& start blaming the asshole that treated you like fuck and gave you up.

I love the color yellow and I love dancing in my underwear. I
’m a mess and my room usually is too.
I laugh at the stupidest things, and always say the wrong things at the wrong time.
I cry for no reason and sometimes, I get madly easily but I’m just me and that’s all I can be.

If love has a videotape I would play it when we first started dating, fast forward when we fought
& pause at every kiss.

I don't live for you!

You kissed me, then dissed me and then you say you miss me.
You used me, confuse me but you don't want to lose me.
Don't talk to me. Don't acknowledge me anymore.
I'm just another score.

Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, of what I did, of who I am...
But most of all, I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life, the way I feel when I'm with you ..

He could be anywhere in the world but he chooses to be with her because life is better with her by his side.

You have to walk carefully at the beginning of love; the running across the fields into your lovers arms can only come later when you are sure he won’t laugh if you trip.

Vraag je niet bij elke tegenslag af; ‘’Waarom ik’’? Dat doe je ook niet bij de mooie momenten in het leven.

It's kind of like he's one of those songs that goes around and around in your head, and you just can't get it out..

dinsdag 17 juni 2008


Een vriend is iemand die het lied van je hart kent,
& het opnieuw kan zingen als jij het vergeten bent.

We said 'forever'. But you see, everything can broken .

A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, when everyone else believes the smile on your face.

A smile will bring a sunshine day!

If I was the sun I would lighten up your day.
If I was the rain I would wash all your tears away.

And when everyone sleeps, the sun is down, the stars shine bright and the entire world is standing still, who will be there?

And I don't think you could ever forget someone that once was the reason you smiled..

I'm not a very certain person, of many things I'm unsure. But there's one thing I know for sure, one thing.. I love you.

When I think of you, my heart wants exactly what my mind says I shouldn't want.

All because of you,I believe in angels.
Not the kind with wings, not the kind with halos,
The kind that brings you home,
When home becomes a strange place.

In every girls' life there'll always be those three guys.
The one she loves - the one she hates & the one she can't get enough off.
And in the end, they're all the same guy.

The time we spent together is great, but when you're not around I'm not sure about ''us''

zondag 15 juni 2008

Her or me..

The note you wrote me when we had our first ride
The card you bought me after sharing our first night
I know we had some bad
But we've had lots of good times too
Some tickets to a concert and a menu
Some pictures from the night when I lost my shoe
It's funny how these things
Tell the story of our love affair

If you love me you should let me know
Tomorrow I'm leaving this town and I'm not coming home, oh
If you want me you should let it show
The hour is getting late, don't let me leave alone
No...'Cause we can see the world together baby
But first you gotta make up your mind
Is it her or is it me?
That you want in your life
I'ma go whichever way the wind blows
'Cause I know there's something out there wonderful
I don't wanna see it all alone
'Cause I'm sure there's so much more
And it's wonderful
I know she loves you, but it's unbeaten
So follow your heart, take my hand and we'll fly like birds (higher)
If we stay here we can never be
Let's go some place far away where it's just you and me
'Cause we can see the world together baby
But first you gotta make up your mind
Is it her or me?
That you want in your life

A blind man..

Wie vecht kan verliezen, maar wie niet vecht heeft al verloren.

I don't need drugs, I'm naturally adicted to you..!

You probably won't remember half of the things I'll never forget..

She's standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take.
I said to the taxi driver: "Just get me anywhere away from here
'Cause until I'm in a different time zone I'll still be too near"
He said: "We could go For as far as you'll pay for
But I'ma tell you this for free
If you're searching for salvation
You won't find it with me"
This is a song
For anyone the world came crashing down on
This is a song
If you suffer in silence and still stay strong
This is a song
If you don't wanna deal with real life no more
This is a song
You can take it any way you want to
It may not be much
But it's my song
I said: "We need to stop the car, pull over
'Cause I really need to get some air"
We pulled up in the middle of nowhere
Taxi driver turned around and said:
"Young lady, it sounds like you need Jesus"
I said: "Well he's welcome to help us out
And I know he made a blind man see but
Can he do it the other way round?"


Sometimes life it drags you down
& Plays you like a fool..
Makes you feel so empty
Sometimes it can be so cruel

Woke up too early this morning
Shaken by a dream I had when I was in danger of losin' you
And I made up my mind
I was gonna tell you when you opened your eyes
I thought it through
Wanna be someone
Better than the one who wasn't there when you needed her
Someone who
Wants you, needs you, someone who'd never leave you
My almost was not enough
Never sacrificed too much
I'm ready to give
More than just a little bit

vrijdag 13 juni 2008

Ik mag niet opgeven..

De diepte van de put is afhankelijk van de hand die je toerijkt en de wil om deze aan te nemen.

You cover your nightmares, you put them away
Cause if nobody knows them they might go away. ..

Een vriend is iemand die het lied van je hart kent,
& Het opnieuw kan zingen als jij het vergeten bent.

I'm going to smile like nothing is wrong,
Talk like everything is perfect,
Act like it is all a dream,
& Pretend it isn't hurting me..

Night Inspiration

A Star can shine when she wants to, but she needs the night to see her..

Now compare all guys I like, to you. They never measure up, not even close, and the saddest thing is; most are better than you.. I just don't see it..

You hug him goodbye like it's nothing, while all you want to do is hold on forever.

Sommige herinneringen vervagen niet,
Die blijven voor altijd in je hoofd.
Sommige dingen herinner je je altijd,
Als een lichtje dat nooit dooft.

En foto's veranderen niet,
Maar de mensen erop daar in tegen..
Iedereen gaat zijn eigen weg,
En er zijn zo ontzettend veel wegen!
En de tijd gaat maar door,
Die staat nooit eens even stil.
Ook ik kan de tijd niet stoppen,
Hoewel ik dat soms wel wil.
Koester belangrijke dingen in je hart,
En laat die nooit meer gaan.
Want sommige dingen verdwijnen zo snel,
Dat 't lijkt alsof ze nooit hebben bestaan.
Bewaar je herinneringen goed,
Koester ze voor altijd.
Want voor dat je het weet,
Ben je iemand kwijt..


My knight in shining armor turned out to be
a loser in aluminium foil..

Hope is all there is

Where there is hope, there can be faith..

Where there is faith, miracles can occur..!

Love and trust (l)

woensdag 11 juni 2008

Life is like..

Life is a kaleidoscope that changes everyday
Givin' us the colors for the pictures that we paint
We take our chances, make our choices
Shake the hand of fate and then we live it out..

I don't know much, but I know how to love you..

I'm sorry that I even tried. What a fool I was, for having hope in you..

Sometimes you need dark times to remember what the good times were..

I still believe in the lies you've told me. Not because I didn't know that it were lies, but because I want them to come true. Not because of what they told me about you and me, but because I liked the way you told them to me.

dinsdag 10 juni 2008

True love

Have you ever been alone, in a crowded room?

Never regret the things, that once made you smile..!

If you wait to long for the perfect moment, than the perfect moment will pass you by.

Life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you like, but you can only spend it Once..

Just because she comes off as strong,
doesn't mean she didn't fell asleep crying...
And even though she acts like everything is allright,
Maybe, just maybe..
She is really good at lying..

This is not how I feel.. But sometimes..

'Ik heb er niet voor gekozen om deze problemen te hebben.
Zeg me niet dat ze niet echt zijn als ik op tien hoog op een balkon sta
en wil springen omdat ik zo ongelukkig ben.
Overtuig me dan maar dat mijn problemen niet echt zijn'

This is it

''Never say I love you
If you don't really care
Never talk about feelings
If they aren't really there

Never hold my hand
If you are going to break my heart
Never say you are going to
If you don't plan to start

Never look into my eyes
If all you do is a lie
Never say hello
If you really mean goodbye

If you really mean forever
Then say you will try
Never say forever
Cause forever makes me cry."

maandag 9 juni 2008

almost there

Nog maar 6 dagen examens..

We'll enjoy our summer times..
And all the love that it brings..
Just relax and enjoy!

zondag 8 juni 2008

Er was een vrouw die onderzoek deed naar mensen die van de Golden Gate Bridge waren afgesprongen.
Bij het onderzoek bleek dat iedereen op twee derde van de sprong zichzelf bedacht dat elk van hun problemen was op te lossen.
Élk probleem, behalve het probleem dat ze net van de juistgenoemde brug waren gesprongen.

Have you ever been a part of something that you thought would never end?
And then, of course, it did.

My dream

It’s ’bout four in the morning still can’t sleep
And that blanket wrapped around you, I wish that was me..
But I’m just one more cynical dreamer
I never dream like this
I’m pulling out my hair..
Pretending I don’t care

zaterdag 7 juni 2008

Some women..

Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed.
Maybe they’re supposed to run wild until they find someone, just as wild, to run with.

His only one

Just because somebody flirts with you, doesn’t mean they like you. Just because somebody likes you, doesn’t mean they want to go out with you. Just because somebody wants to go out with you, doesn’t mean they love you. Just because somebody loves you, doesn’t mean they won’t hurt you. Because people lie, things change. Boyfriends cheat, bestfriends ditch. And there are always going to be those people who would kill to see you fall.

You won’t be his first, his last or his only. He’s loved before, he will love again but if he loves you now, what else matters? He’s not perfect, and neither are you. And the two of you will never be perfect, but if he makes you laugh, at least once causes you to think twice, and admits to being human and making mistakes.. Hold on to him, and give him all you’ve got, he is not going to quote poetry, but he will give you a part of him, that he knows you can break. Don’t hurt him, don’t change him, don’t expect too much from him. Smile when he makes you happy, cry when he makes you sad and miss him when he’s not there.

I’m selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle, but if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.

The Only fact..

Isn’t it funny how day-by-day nothing changes,
but then when you look back, everything is different.

Is this meant to be?

Love is like a bar of soap..
Once you think you have it,
It slips away..

If you can't get someone out of your head..
Maybe they are supposed to be there..!

Pretty pic..

Trees would like to kick my ass.. For all the paper I've wasted, doodling hearts around your name.. <3

I like you.. What? I like you..! What?? I said I like you!!
I know but I like hearing you say it..

All I want is..

Little Pretty Liars

Judge me..! It shows that I'm better than you..

Ooh and honey.. If you're going to be two faced..
At least make one pretty!

She’s completely unexplainable.
You think she’s a good girl,
but when you get to know her, she’s everything.
She’s crazy, she’s fun, she’s honest, and you’ll never know what she will do next.

Well, I would love it when you would give it try..
See if we could be something..
Because when we are lovers, I show you how much I care..
I'd do anything for the one I love..
I'm even better than you think I am..


When you're in love and you're sure it's true,
When he's all you're thinking about when you have nothing else to do.
Just do yourself a favor and think the whole thing through.
Ask yourself this question, is he thinking of you too?

Sometimes when I say; ‘oh, I’m fine”,
I want someone to look me in the eyes and say; ‘tell me the truth.’
Everyone wants to be happy, nobody wants to be in pain.
But you can’t have a rainbow, without any rain.

The Truth about you and I

After a while you learn the difference between holding a hand and falling in love..
You begin to learn that kisses dont always mean something..
Promises can be broken as quickly as they were made,
& Sometimes goodbyes really are forever..

vrijdag 6 juni 2008

Broken Hearted?

I wish that we could give it a go..
See if we could be something..

It's hard to answer the question "whats wrong" when nothing is right..
..And when you begin to miss me, don't forget it was you who let me go.

You make the bad times good..
& The good times unforgettable!

Once upon a time I was falling in love,
Now I'm only falling apart.

He's my love..

And if he dies,
take him and cut him into little stars
and he will make the face of heaven so fine
that everyone will fall in love with night...

All I know is that you're so nice,
You're the nicest thing I've ever seen.
I wish that we could give it a go,
See if we could be something..!


I need to prove to myself
This is more than a crush..
Can you convince me it's not just a physical rush.

And as we lie beneath the stars
& we realize how small we are..
If they could love like you and me
Imagine what the world could be.. <3