vrijdag 27 juni 2008

Love me

It's kind of like he's one of those songs that goes around and around in your head,
& you just can't get it out..

Welcome at the shop, do you want a boy to watch sport events, or do you want something that loves you..?

Because when you got no one to love, you got nothing to lose... <3

A woman only needs two animals in her life, the horse of her dreams and a donkey to buy her that horse.

Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake whole relationships..!

You're a no good heart breaker
You're a liar and you're a cheat
And I don't know why
I let you do these things to me
My friends keep telling me
That you ain't no good
But oh, but they don't know
That I'd leave you if I could

I'm not hear to break it, just to see how far it will bend..

Vergeef me alle foute woorden die ik stuurde uit onmacht, om niet kwijt te raken,
Wat ik zo hopeloos lief had..

I know that things aren't the same. That doesn't mean that I don't wish they were...

Did you ever push away the ones you should've held close? I did.....

I didn't say it was your fault I said I was blaming it on you..

That blanket wrapped around you, I wish that was me! <3

Mijn hart fluistert zinnen die mijn hoofd niet horen wil.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain..

If you love me, won't you let me know?

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