zondag 15 juni 2008

A blind man..

Wie vecht kan verliezen, maar wie niet vecht heeft al verloren.

I don't need drugs, I'm naturally adicted to you..!

You probably won't remember half of the things I'll never forget..

She's standing on a line between giving up and seeing how much more she can take.
I said to the taxi driver: "Just get me anywhere away from here
'Cause until I'm in a different time zone I'll still be too near"
He said: "We could go For as far as you'll pay for
But I'ma tell you this for free
If you're searching for salvation
You won't find it with me"
This is a song
For anyone the world came crashing down on
This is a song
If you suffer in silence and still stay strong
This is a song
If you don't wanna deal with real life no more
This is a song
You can take it any way you want to
It may not be much
But it's my song
I said: "We need to stop the car, pull over
'Cause I really need to get some air"
We pulled up in the middle of nowhere
Taxi driver turned around and said:
"Young lady, it sounds like you need Jesus"
I said: "Well he's welcome to help us out
And I know he made a blind man see but
Can he do it the other way round?"

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