zaterdag 28 juni 2008

What a mistake

Aanwezig in afwezigheid, en daarom nooit verleden tijd...

Do you want the real story, or do you prefer the lie?

Life is short, you have to perform all the miracles you can...

Hold fast to dreams..
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly ..

Je kunt de golven niet tegenhouden, maar je kunt wel leren surfen.

Voor de wereld ben je iemand..
Maar voor iemand ben je de wereld..

I don't mind what people say, I just turn my head and walk away...

If you love something let it go...If it comes back , it's yours...If it doesn't, It never was...

Never regret something that once made you smile... <3

Perfect love has no fear!

Als je denkt "ik ben verslagen", dan is de nederlaag een feit,
Als je denkt "ik zal niet versagen", win je op den duur de strijd.
Moedelozen gaan ten onder, door hun twijfel, door hun vrees,
Vechters winnen door een wonder, telkens weer de zwaarste race.

Er zijn zodanig veel manieren om de waarheid te zeggen,
dat het bijna altijd overbodig is te liegen.

Kortzichtigheid is de meest verspreide oogziekte..

It's like 10 000 spoons when all you need is a knife,
It's meeting the man of my dreams and than meet his beautiful wife...

Succes is een taart waarvan iedereen mee wil eten. Maar als ie op is zie je niemand meer....

People are like pieces of a puzzle, : we all fit together but not all of us connect.

See, I'd like to give you my heart, but broken things are never pretty..

You repeat those three words, yet you still dont know the meaning .

My heart can't possibly break ,
When it wasn't even whole to start with..

People don't change because they see the light. They change because they feel the heart..

Why don't you remember how it feels, not to give a damn for anyone, but me...

And I'm stuck in a moment that wasn't meant to last.

Als het leven geen zin heeft, hoef je er ook geen punt achter te zetten.

It's killing me,
What has she got that I don't have?
Is it the way she looks at you? Laughs at you?
Can she, does she make you beg for more?
This is hurting...
What does she got that I don't have...

It's amazing how one day someone walks into your life,
Then the next day you wonder how you lived without them..

He loved her like there was no tomorrow..

Geluk is een gevolg van je eigen daden!

Am I less of a lady if I don't wear pantyhose?
My mama said a lady ain't what she wears but what she knows!

I've got a whole lot of reasons, but i can't think of a single one that will justify leaving.

If you would only listen, you might just realize what you're missing

Are you so strong, or is the weakness in me?

She says "don't worry, I'll be fine", as she fights back the tears, one last time..

Say what you have to say
Happy you've got your way
There's nothing to discuss
Can I go now?

If I was a mistake, I hope I was your favourite one..

If you ever said you miss me, then don't say you never lied..

Carve happy faces into my wrist ‘cause the world loves smiles..

The man who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd
The man who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been...!

People make mistakes, to make up, to break up, to wake up cold and lonely…

Obstacles are things a person sees when he takes his eyes off his goal.

Geluk is als een vlinder die, als je het nastreeft, altijd buiten je bereik blijft.
Maar die, als je heel stil blijft zitten, misschien op je neerstrijkt...

Als tranen enkel kwamen van verdriet, ontbrak er wat aan geluk.

Zelfs een witte roos heeft een zwarte schaduw..

Trust takes years to build and only seconds to shatter..

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams..

The best part of what has happened was the part I must have missed..

When problems overwhelm us and sadness smothers us,
where do we find the will and the courage to continue?

I had these dreams, in them I learned to play guitar
Maybe cross the country, become a rockstar

Un jour Amour rencontre Amitié,
Et lui demande :"A quoi sert tu ?"
Amitié repond : "A faire sécher les larmes que tu fais tomber.."

Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again.. Skinned knees are easier to fix than broken hearts!

Uit je pijnlijkste dieptepunten groeien uiteindelijk je grootste krachten..

If I wanted silence, I would whisper
And if I wanted lonelyless, I choose to go
And if I liked rejection, I'd audition
And if I didn't love you, you would know

Nothing is more painful than realizing he meant everything to you, but you meant nothing to him.

Life is a battle, but we love to fight;

Piekeren neemt de zorgen voor morgen niet weg, maar wel de kracht van vandaag..

Kill the narcissist with his reflection..

Now I know that there's a line between the two, being close to crazyness and being close to you..

'Cause you're everywhere to me, and when I close my eyes it's you I see..

Kisses tell if you love someone truely.. Cause when you do, they feel great!

I wanna be your fantasy, your reality, and everything in between..

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